Category: Hanga | Create

The magic egg


On Wednesday we put a egg in a glass jar. Then poured vinegar in the jar and waited. Immanently bubbles started to float up. After 24 hours we had a look at the egg it look shell less. We touched it and it felt like rubber and it was bouncy. we wanted to see what is inside to see if it changed but it did not. I liked to make it and it was fun.


learning to play tennis

On Wednesday we learnt how to play tennis. When we first played and i had to serve, and i was bad at it but i tried and then had to go back in line because I could not hit it and instead kept missing. Same happened on my second try but then on my third try i hit the ball but still lost and on my last turn i was going to win because it was falling off the table but silly me hit the ball and lost

Wacky Wednesday

Today is wacky Wednesday and this is me and my friends costume.i am wearing a hood and Benny backwards also normal shirt and shorts and different types of shoes. my friend is wearing  colourful shorts and green and white jumper and backwards cap with diffident coloured socks and different shoes on

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